Our Production Process

This is how our team makes your vision come to life!

Get in Touch

Our work may be out of this world but we are very reachable. Contact us by email, phone or get started below.

Introductory Meeting

A strong relationship with you is imperative to us. We look forward to meeting with you and starting the process…of awesomeness!!

Contract & Deposit

This is our statement of work (SOW). It’s simply the details of what you’re purchasing and the scope of the project. Accept the SOW and reap the rewards!

Concept Session

Let the fun begin! We encourage your ideas and input in this stage of the process. You are more than welcome to give us the reigns but a collaborative effort often yields sweet fruit.

Storyboard & Scripts

At this point you can sit back and let our team begin to develop the project. You will receive a production plan, maybe with some doodles, for your approval.

Collect & Build Project Assets

Round ’em up boys!! The approved storyboard may include video, vector illustrations, voiceovers, music, 3D objects, or a plethora of other things. Whatever it may be, we gather and create all the materials needed for your project. Simple as that.

Video Editing

This is where the magic happens! Our wizards of video use editing, animating, compositing, color grading, and more to piece the puzzle together.

First Draft & Approval

Once editing is complete, we send you the first version of your project. We’re confident you are going to love it, but it’s completely normal to make some revisions. This is your chance to tell us! We will happily make changes until you approve your product.

Final Payment

We’ve received your approval and, now, will gladly accept your final payment.
*Disclaimer: If you do not understand this part, you may or may not be visited by a Superhero with a cape, riding on a unicorn. He may or may not break your thumbs.

Delivery & Completion

Woohoo! Your project is complete! We happily deliver your product in the format(s) mentioned in the Statement of Work. We also appreciate your feedback about your experience and, if you’re satisfied, would love a shout out! This is just the beginning of a long-term friendship.